Erika Cleveland is a healing doll artist. I make my dolls at the Jackson Art Center in Washington, DC. I’m a graduate of the Boston School of the Museum of Fine Arts, with a fine arts focus. My dolls are also rooted in my training as an art therapist (Masters in Art Therapy, NYU, 1985.)

I use the term “doll” in my work because I believe there is something unique about the word doll- humble, simple and yet powerful. Dolls have been around since the beginnings of humankind. They hold considerable power for us; they are our companions and they reflect us back to ourselves. Dolls can heal us physically, spiritually and emotionally.

In my work, I explore various themes through mythology, folk tales, religion, spirituality and my personal dream symbolism. A central theme is the power within the female body, including the way this power is deeply rooted in nature. Darker themes such as loss, sadness and fear alternate with the playfulness of fauns, forest creatures and elves. The dolls express the dualities of life in the way they shape-shift and transform, for example through the medium of the folk-art form called flip dolls. Like votives, amulets or talisman throughout history, dolls provide a focal point for healing and meditation.

In recent years, my work has expanded to include intuitive paintings, created in hand-made and altered books. These paintings, in their spontaneous nature are quicker to make and often serve as inspiration for my dolls. These paintings tap into similar themes as the dolls, finding their source in dreams and imagination.

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